最美丽空姐航空公司前十位排名 空中乘务员的工作可以说辛苦而极具挑战性,体力精力也需求很大,同时也隐含着许多光环。航空公司的形象通常与空中乘务员的外貌关联。至于空乘人员的形象和技能的甄别,对航空公司来说,无疑是件不容易的事情。招聘过程完成之前,诸如身材,身高,笑容和制服适合度等因素航空公司都需仔细地斟酌。我们提供以下最有魅力的空姐前十位的排名。她们可爱,优雅,还有就是非常性感!
10. 英国维珍大西洋航空 英国维珍大西洋航空公司 维珍大西洋航空的空姐一向以引人注目的丝质领结和合身的红色制服著称。穿上这些制服是多么的迷人,美丽的空姐可能出演你最喜爱的HBO电视连续剧。据2011年的一份市场调查,这些美人被投票选为最有魅力的航空公司空姐。当他们服务乘客的时候所散发出来的品味,魅力和愉悦的精神,谁人能超越这些“红色的性感宝贝”。 9. 泰国国际航空 泰国航空是泰国国有航空公司,他们给每一次航班的乘客提供无微不至的服务。泰航空姐能够位列第9位是因为每一次飞行给每一个乘客提供奢华的服务,而且深谙注重细节的重要。因为骄人的服务质量,泰航多次获得奖项。每一位空姐穿上美丽的紫色制服,给世人一个难以磨灭的印象。 8. 德国汉莎航空 汉莎航空与其空乘人员名列其中背后自由它傲人的道理。汉莎航空是一个德国公司,机组人员是由独特而多元化的族群组成。她们在飞行中展示了惊艳的空姐,使其傲视同侪。她们的服务态度和冰彬彬有礼的举止令其成为人们乐于乘坐的航班。 7. 马来西亚亚洲航空 亚洲航空得以认可,是因为一个低价航空公司拥有如此艳丽和迷人的空姐而闻名于世。只要你在马拉西亚任何一个机场,你就会不难发现亚航引人注目的空姐穿着令人赞誉的红色制服。在机场,你很可能看到这些制服美人拉着拖箱悠然而行。据说,航行中的美丽空姐更是秀色可餐,比其提供的餐食更令人情不自禁。 6. 阿联酋国际航空 说到奢华程度,阿联酋航空无疑是世界上最好的。它们在机上展示来自许多不同国度的美丽动人的空姐。她们燕瘦环肥,举手投足却不失高雅迷人。如果你看到身穿阿联酋航空制服的空姐,你会不自觉得感到魅力袭人。然而,很多人难以分清袭人的究竟是制服的诱惑还是佳人自身的魅力。 5. 香港国泰航空 乘坐过香港国泰航空公司的乘客大多会说它是亚洲最好的。这时因为其提供的极其优质的服务和所获取的多重奖项。他们提供给乘客的是睿智,细心和极具美感的空姐。穿着一身红色的制服,国泰航空的空姐被誉为空中最美丽的雇员。国泰有时候使用自己的空中小姐代替专业模特进行时装表演。公司一直要求雇员提供一流高品质的服务。 4. 印度翠鸟航空 翠鸟航空是印度首选的航空公司,道理是显而易见的。通常,人们觉得他们挚爱翠鸟航空的原因是它拥有世界上最迷人的空姐。她们的制服从颜色设计,裁剪效果来看都与亚航的制服相类似。至少事实上,两者看起来的效果都不错。 3. 俄罗斯航空 俄罗斯航空 这是另外一个不错的航空公司,空姐的制服也是红色的。这些独特的空姐占据我们最美丽空姐榜的第三位。总体来说,这些俄国姑娘说不上特别时尚,然而,她们醒目的帽子和有型的领巾确实令人侧目。事实上,根据《天巡》国际机票订购网所进行的市场调查,她们被评为"世界上最有风格的"。
星加坡航空 如果你寻找的是最迷人,最友善的空中服务,那就非星加坡航空公司莫属。它们的空姐穿着独特的马来风味的裙装制服,光彩迷人却不失内敛。然而,如果阁下对于这些美丽的姑娘只是以貌取人的话,那未免有失公允。因为它们的空姐热情好客,提供最好的机舱服务,在行内有口皆碑。其热情好客被众人认可,多次获得航空旅游业和杂志的评奖。连续17年,在《商旅亚太评选》中荣获世界最佳机舱服务。 1. 法兰西航空
法兰西航空 幸好,极其优雅的空姐弥补了法航提供的经济舱位的不舒适。乘坐法航,你会感觉飞行的短暂,因为穿着类似时尚浴袍的制服的空姐一直与你同行。它的设计师是 附原文: Ten Most Gorgeous Airline Flight Attendants As much as hard work, challenges and large demands can be a part of the flight attendant industry, it also comes with a whole lot of glamour as well. The face of an airline is normally associated by the appearance of its flight attendants. There is a bit of a strenuous task for airlines when it comes to giving specific attention to the appearance and skills of their flight attendants. Such categories as figure, height, smile and uniform fit must all be taken into close consideration by the airline before the hiring process is completed. Below we have provided you with a list of the 10 most appealing airline flight attendants there are. They are cute, elegant and just plain smokin’hot! 10. Virgin Atlantic The ladies at Virgin Atlantic have always been noticeable with their silk neck ties and well-fitted red suits. It almost appears as though these ladies could be actresses in a part of your favorite HBO TV series with how alluring they look in those red uniforms. When a survey had been carried out in 2011, these beauties were voted as the “most attractive airline stewardess” group there was. Very few can ever top these “Red Hotties” of the sky as they are incredibly classy, glamorous and possess such cheerful perceptions when carrying out their duties of service. 9. Thai Airways International Thai Airways are the national airline of their kingdom and they supply all of their customers with fantastic care throughout every single flight. These flight attendants have made it to our 9th slot on the chart and it’s because of their understanding of important details in supplying the greatest luxuries for every passenger on the flight. This airline has been awarded with multiple awards because of their outstanding service quality. Each flight attendant comes equipped with beautiful purple uniforms that give them a unique distinction worldwide. 8. Lufthansa This airline and its flight attendants have made our list and there is an excellent reason behind this. Lufthansa is a German company that is made up of a cabin crew of unique and diversified nationalities. They showcase some of the most incredibly beautiful flight attendants in the skies which help them stand out among many airlines. Their attitudes toward service and their general sense of being polite and friendly make them a fine airline to travel on. 7. Air Asia This airline gets recognition from us because they are well-known for having spectacular and attractive flight attendants that are a part of a company who is one of the planet’s low-cost carriers. When you arrive at any Malaysian airports, you will very quickly recognize the renowned red uniforms from Air Asia’s striking flight attendants. It’s very possible that when in an airport, you may see one of these uniformed beauties walking with their trolley bags. The flight attendants found on these flights are said to be even hotter than the meals they serve every flight. 6. Emirates The Emirates airline is absolutely one of the world’s greatest as far as luxury is concerned. They present some of the most elegant flight attendants on their aircraft that come from many different nations. The come in various shapes, sizes and styles but each one of them are seductive in their way and quite refined. If you see a woman wearing an Emirates uniform then you will see for yourself how appealing they stand out in their apparel. Many can’t decide for sure what makes them so alluring, whether it’s the uniform or the young woman herself. 5. Cathay Pacific A majority of individuals who have flown on this Hong-Kong based airline say that they consider it to be the greatest that Asia has to offer. This is due to the spectacular service and multiple awards given out in their favor. They provide their passengers with sharp-witted, subtly and sensuous female stewardesses. With red all over their uniform, the Cathay Pacific flight attendants have been bragged about because of how pretty their employees on the aircraft are. Cathay sometimes uses their flight attendants to stroll on the catwalk in place of professional models. The company is also very fond of demanding that service is provided at top-notch excellence. 4. Kingfisher Airlines Kingfisher is the selected favorite airline of India and for very apparent reasons. Typically, you might guess that they love Kingfisher so much because it has the planet’s hottest ladies of service in the air. The uniform resembles the Air Asian one because of the color design or even the cutting looks. The fact still remains, both look as fine as can be. 3. Aeroflot Air This is yet another great airline that has a red uniform for its flight attendants. These special ladies hold the 3rd place on our list of most appealing flight attendants. Generally speaking, the Russians aren’t typically thought of in terms of fashion levels, but their sharp caps and confidently angled neck ties do manage to demand attention by the passengers. In fact, they have been rated as the “world’s most stylish” according to a survey given by Skyscanner, which is a flight booking site. 2. Singapore Airlines If you’re looking for attractive and friendly service in the air, Singapore Airlines is definitely where it’s all at. Their ladies are clothed in an exclusive “Sarong Kebaya” which has the appearance of a glamour yet not making too hard of an attempt. It wouldn’t be fair to look at these pretty ladies only based on their appearances, as Singapore women are also very hospitable and provide some of the best cabin service in the industry. Such hospitality has been greatly recognized and awarded via travel and tourism industries as well as magazines. The Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Awards has given them the World’s Best Cabin Crew Service for 17 years straight. 1. Air France Fortunately, the incredibly gorgeous flight attendants do greatly make up for the uncomfortable economy seats that Air France provides. Flying with Air France will make your flight seem short as you will be joined by flight attendants that have uniforms that resemble a stylish tub mannequin. The designer of these is Christian Lacroix. So just what is it that makes these ladies so smokin’ hot? It might be the happy and passionate stereotype of the French but do not be hoping for any kisses from these ladies. French flight attendants will never mix up their business with their pleasure.